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Here's How To Find Who's Viewed Your Instagram Story


Based on the Instagram Help Center, you can check the number of people who have viewed your Instagram story by simply visiting your storyit's done by clicking the icon on the upper left corner of your feed and swiping up. When you click on an eyeball picture, Instagram will give you a count of just how many people have viewed your work. Below that, you can look down to see who has actually viewed it. In the Help Center notes, you're the only person to know who has seen your article.

According to The Independent, Instagram ranks users based on your interaction with them. So, users whose profile you frequently visit will appear at toward the very top in list of viewers. (Which is to say, when you've been snooping around on your crush on a regular basis it won't be necessary to scroll all the way down the list of your viewers to see if they've read your story about sunset.)

Thanks to a recent update by Instagram you'll now also receive private comments to your Instagram story. The story are only visible to you within your viewers list. You'll be able to see the percentage of your followers who loved it when an icon with a heart appears on their profile in the viewer sheet.

Can Someone See If You View Their Snapchat Story?

Of of course, if you determine who has viewed your Instagram account, other people can see that you've viewed theirs. There are many reasons why you may want to view the account of someone else, without them being aware. (Think of maintaining that unattainable impression of being a snob with your new crush.) Instagram doesn't allow users to remain invisible while viewing stories. However, troubleshooting tricks like using airplane mode will keep you from exposing your identity.

How to Change Who Can View Your Instagram Stories

Bonus: Instagram also provides curated options on who can be able to view your posts from the start. After you've uploaded your Instagram story, click on the story itself and swipe left to view who's seen it. Once you've located the username of whom you'd like to block the story from then click on 3 horizontal dots located on the left side of the name. As the Instagram Guideline explains, it's possible to select "Hide the Story from [Username]." Hiding your story from an individual is not the same thing as blocking them completelyit simply means that they'll not be able to see this specific kind or content in your Instagram profile. (FYI that even though Instagram doesn't allow people to check if you've hidden your story from them, there are a few tricks that users can employ to figure out that you've given Instagram the benefit of doubt.)

Another option, the Instagram Help Center describes, is to stop certain people from viewing your stories. This can be done by selecting the three-line icon in your profile, then clicking "Settings," and tapping "Privacy," then "Story." Then, you can choose the people you'd like to keep your story secret from and then choose "Done." This will ensure that all your future stories will be locked from your chosen users until you return to Settings and change them.

If someone's constant posting has you wishing they would hide you from their stories, you are able to disable their posts. To do this, wait for the next time they write an article and then hold down their profile image on your feed for stories at right-hand side of the screen. The option will pop up to Mute Then select Mute stories.

What to Check If Close Friends Viewed Your Instagram Story

Since November, you can also choose to share only Instagram stories with Close Friends. To create the list just click on the three horizontal lines in the top right of your profile. Choose "Close Friends" and begin. From now on it will be the case that your Close Friends' profile pictures will have a green star beside them. And when you post a story only for your close Friends they'll see an orange ring around your profile picture as in contrast to the normal orange and purple rings. If you share your stories to Close Friends you are in control of the people who are able to see stories on Instagram. Instagram stories -for e.g. the only people whom you're sure are close.

Why aren't You able to See How Many People Viewed Your Instagram Story?

You might have noticed that you weren't able to determine the number of views your story got during the 2021 holiday season. Based on Elite Daily, this was an issue with the software that's now resolved. However, your worries should be set to rest now since Jan. 4, your Instagram should be normal and all users should be able to see the number of views each of their Instagram stories received.

There's no way to determine how many times someone has watched your story over and over, you might be surprised by those who have been secretly reviewing your Instagram story



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