If it's a crush you'd like to get to know or prefer privacy, Instagram Stories annoyingly expose your.
When you access a user's story, it will show the account's owner, even though they're not close friends.
However, there are a variety of ways to take an unintentional peek without being noticed.
Switch on flight mode
Start the app and the most recent stories are loaded on your phone.
Switch to flight mode.
This allows you to read stories in a private way.

Make sure you end the application once you're done to ensure that it doesn't think you've had a look at it.
Make use of an alternate account
Many people prefer to create a an additional account that is anonymous on Instagram.
This means that you could also click on stories with no one knowing who you are.
If they have an additional account, you'll need to be friends with them in case their account is private.
Make use of the Instagram Stories viewer to view your stories. Instagram Stories viewer
There are a variety of websites that collect all the news for you.
The account must be public in order to function.
Stories Down, Anon IG Viewer and Insta Stories are just some apps that can help.
A Google search will show you a lot more as well.
More on Inflact.