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How do you save Instagram videos that you've uploaded to your Instagram account?


You can save your Instagram videos from your account, and later transfer it to your phone.

1. Open Instagram.

2. You can save articles that you've published to your profile and save them to the camera roll, if you have the files. Click"Stories" in the "Stories" bubble in the lower left hand corner. This will launch the current story.

Click the bubble on the left-hand part of your profile page to access the latest information.

3. If you're able to watch the video or the image from your story you would like to save, simply click the icon with three dots on the right-bottom of the screen.

Select"More" and select the "More" icon in the upper right-hand corner.

4. You can select "Save" to display the pop-up menu.

Choose "Save" from the list of choices.

5. Choose "Save Video" (or "Save Photo") to save the video only or image as well as "Save Story" to save the whole story's information as a single video.

Select the method you wish to save.

After you've completed the process after which you'll receive an email confirmation the video has been saved to the camera roll on your device.

You can also change your Instagram settings to ensure that your posts are saved automatically to your camera roll, and saved to your Instagram archives.

Instagram will keep the best moments of your Instagram Story on your profile, if you wish to keep it up.

How do I download the Instagram videos that I have downloaded? Instagram videos using third-party applications?

A software application created by an outside company can be used to download and save content from the Instagram story post reel, video story.

Download Instagram videos for Android

1. Download the app for downloading videos for Instagram via the Google Play Store. Google Play Store.

2. Start Instagram. Start Instagram. Start the Instagram application. Select the 3 dots icon located in the upper-right corner , if you are watching the video that you want to save to.

3. If the window is displayed, click "Copy Link." the window opens, click "Copy Link." Open your Instagram Video Downloader app, and then copy the URL to start the download.

It is possible to download YouTube video clips to your iPhone

1. Install your copy of the Blaze the Browser app and File Manager from the App Store of Apple.

2. Begin with Instagram. Start by using Instagram using your iPhone. Click the three dots icon to save videos. Select "Copy Link" from the menu.

3. Copy the URL and paste it into Blaze. Launch Blaze. Start the Blaze application, select download, then choose to save the image onto the camera roll.

How do I save Instagram videos I've made on my screen?

For saving your Instagram video, you can take a screen shot from both Android as well as iPhone.

Control Center can be used to record the display of an iPhone. Control Center. If you're using Android 11, you can record your screen by visiting the Quick Settings list.

You're running an Android older than Android 11. Screen recording is only possible with an app that comes from an external source, like AZ Screen Recorder.

Important to keep in mind that when downloading the Instagram video to later share it , be sure to provide the account that initially uploaded the video adequate credit. If you claim the video is yours, it could be considered copyright infringement. Find out more information about Inflact!

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