Let's learn how to save a video from Facebook by employing the most common methods.
Method 1: How to Download Videos From Facebook on Desktop
If users hit the Save button when watching videos on Facebook, the social media platform will save videos on their accounts.
If you want to save a video file on your local storage, you will need take these steps.
Step 1: Log in to Your Account
Start a browser such as Google Chrome or Safari and log in on Facebook. Sign in to Facebook account.
Second Step: Search for Video
Use the Watch tab to locate an audio or video that you want to download.
Step 3: Copy the Link to the Video
Click on the three dots icon in the right-hand corner at the bottom of the video. Then , click on the Copy Link icon in the drop-down menu.
Step 4: Modify Copied Video Link
Open a new tab window in your browser , and paste the link to the search tab, then click Enter.
Replacing the "WWW" at the end of the URL by "mbasic" to open an app that is mobile-friendly website.
Step 5: Open Video
Select the movie that you wish to download. This will open the video in another tab.
Step 6: Play the Video
Watch the movie, right-click on it, then click at the "Save Video As" button to save the video to your local storage.
Method 2: How to Save Videos Posted by You
Facebook can be helpful in saving videos that you want to archive. Fortunately Facebook allows you to download videos posted by you without hassle.
First Step: Log in to Your Account
Log in to your Facebook account with an internet browser on your desktop.
Step 2: Login to Your Profile
Click on your thumbnail to open your Facebook profile.
Step 3 Click on Videos
Click on the tab Videos under the thumbnail, and choose one of the videos you would like to download.
Step 4: Click on Pencil Icon
Move the mouse over the video you wish to save. Then, the symbol of a pencil will be displayed in top right-hand corner of the video.
Step 5: Download Facebook Video
Then, select"Download." Then, click the "Download" button on the drop-down menu. More on Inflact.